"Essentially, the war between Good and Evil is constant and its up to our intrepid heroes to once again, fight Fallen Angels to try and save the life of the ailing, Charles Wallace. This book was WAY out there and honestly, once the jaded and bitter principal of the grade school, Mr. Jenkins showed up in multiple forms, I just kind of gave up and finished it to see if it would make any more sense but it never really did." 1 Star. Pros: Proginoskes was a fun bit of snark at times. Cons: L’Engles literalness, nothing was imaginary but at the same time it was hard to remember what was real and what wasn’t cause you have Proginoskes always transporting Meg five ways from Sunday to different places/I was so overwhelmed by everything going on that whole characters names were lost on me, like the teacher, Blajeny/Meg's CONSTANT questions and the lack of actual action/More than once I wanted to scream at the book that I didn't care if they were on a different plane of d...
"The tried and true story of "good versus evil", L'Engle's approach was a unique, peppering inter-dimensional travel into the mix. But in the end, the characters Meg and Charles Wallace were a bit much and the lack of explanation, especially about Mr. Murry and how he just happened to land on Camazotz and become a prisoner of IT, left me wanting more information and not getting it." 2 Stars Pros: The idea of a Tesseract is an interesting one, though very complex based on the fact this is a young readers book. Cons: Meg was very shrill and also very opposite. When speaking with IT, she argued saying that the least he could do was give them some food and then when he gives them food she refuses to eat it, she was really kind of obnoxious/Also, the end, what saves everyone made sense but, it was a bit of a letdown. Full Review It's a dark and stormy night and Meg can't sleep, so she goes downstairs to the kitchen to find her youngest brother, Charle...