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Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott

"A darkly hilarious, honest breakdown of all things writing. Lamott touches upon, what it's like to write as a career and how you may feel during your best and worst days." 5 Stars.  Pros:  Lamott's humor is dark and cynical but so relatable/Her advice is logical, realistic and genuine, which I appreciate.  Cons:  It can be a little disheartening to know how complicated writing can be but as long as you do it for yourself and it's what you love, then it's all worth it in the end.  Full Review:  Lamott covers everything from horrific first drafts, viewing your world through a once inch picture frame, getting beta readers, starting writing groups and the dream of most writers (I think) of publication. But she does it all in a no-nonsense, no holds barred, realistic, blunt way.  She drives home the point that if you're a writer hoping to get published for fame and fortune, then you will most likely be sorely disappointed. But if you're a writer, who just
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Infinite Home by Kathleen Alcott

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The Children of Red Peak by DiLouie

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Darius The Great Is Not Okay by Adib Khorram

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Salem's Lot by Stephen King

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Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse , #2)

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Cibola Burn (The Expanse #4) by James S.A. Corey

"The Slow Zone and the Rings have opened up new worlds, literally, allowing human, Martian and Belter to lay claim to the vastness at their fingertips. Holden and the Roci ,acting as the eternal sun to Corey's Expanse "Earth", are thrown into a conflict between two fleets and the fate of a planet hangs in the balance. As usual, it's a little, "they're the only ones who can save them", cliche, but hey, Corey makes it work. This one was dark and gritty and I loved it."   Pros:  I do love Miller and Amos, Hell, even Holden, though annoying, is still lovable/The crew of the Rocinante is a terribly flawed but terribly lovable family.   Cons: Some serious science going on with terra forming a new world but as Corey does, they eventually dumbs it down enough for this reader to understand what's going on.  Full Review: The ring and the station are now controlled and monitored by the OPA. People are coming and going, exploring all the new worlds tha