"A compilation of stories that focus mainly on Mowgli, an orphaned human child who is accepted into the Seeonee Wolf Pack and lives in the jungle until he is grown. We are offered a glimpse of a wild, unknown world but one that is not so very different from our own. Through Mowgli's eyes and adventures we learn that the animals of the Jungle also live by rules, and all have a role; a part that they all must play." 3 Stars. Pros: Each high-lighted character, such as Baloo and Bhagheera had their own unique personalities, the stories that did not directly deal with Mowgli were still interesting since the protagonists had their own adventures etc. Cons: Sometimes the tone was a bit dry/long winded/If all of the Mowgli tales were told chronologically I think the book wouldn't have felt so tedious at the end. Full Review Unbeknownst to me, there are actually two Jungle Books. And within these books are stories about the "man cub" Mowgli, a young, orphaned...
Dedicated to the many books I read, so I can 1. keep track and remember whether I enjoyed them or not and 2. to perhaps lead someone to start a book/series that I've read and share in the love.