"An intriguing and enchanting mix of The Hunger Games, The Night Circus, and the dark carnival from Something Wicked This Way Comes " Garber has created an elaborate world with complex, mysterious people and I'm eager to see more of it as the series continues. 4 Stars Pros: The idea of Caraval is intriguing, like Morgenstern's The Night Circus meets Bradbury's dark carnival in Something Wicked This Way Comes , it was an adventure but a serious and deadly one. Cons: Points of the novel were pretty predictable but there were times where I was surprised, so it wasn't that bad. There were times at the end where it felt like "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" where it could have ended but it didn't. Full Review: Scarlett (Scar) and Donatella (Tella) are the daughters Governor Dragna, the ruler of Trisda, a small island of the Conquered Isles. Ever since their Mother disappeared without a trace and their Father turn...
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