Groundbreaking in its time and engaging at first, since you simply have to know who would do such an awful thing. But once the perpetrators were caught and brought to trial, reading the rest of the book was a chore." 2 Stars. Pros: Capote was good at drawing the suspense out at first, hooking the reader into needing to know who did the terrible crime. Cons: This book went on for about 100 pages too many/There were no redeeming or likable qualities at all about Dick/The murders just didn't seem to make any sense, hence the title In Cold Blood. Full Review: George H. Clutter and his family are a hard working bunch. He owns a farm and runs his business well and honestly. He has two grown daughters, one married and the other engaged, and another daughter in high school as well as a young son. His wife, Nancy, suffers from a nervous disorder, and has been to treatment for years upon years with no apparent remedy. They live their lives honestly. They are go...
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