"A wholly unique novel that follows the desperate, confused and often absurd lives of a group of WWII bombardiers, who are just trying to get home but their leadership is making it basically impossible. It took awhile to hit its stride but once it did, it was enjoyable in all its insane strangeness." 3 Stars Pros: Subtly amusing in its strange depiction of war and all the back and forth that happens between the many bodies of leadership. It's reminiscent of one giant game of "Telephone" and the message is so garbled by the end that you're not quite sure what the message was to begin with/The repetition, the constant, "I can't hear you, what did you say", "I just said that", "You just said that" was both amusing and infuriating. Cons: It takes about 100 pages to hit its stride/The somewhat backwards storyline is hard to follow at first but once it clicks, it's moderately entertaining. There are far too many characters,...
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