"The next installment in Shusterman's "Dystology" that continues to follow Connor, Risa and Lev in their fight for survival. A handful of new characters are also introduced to add intrigue, excitement, forgiveness, love etc to the mix. It delves deeper into the creation of the unwinding process and leaves the reader curious, intrigued and always wanting more." 5 Stars Pros: Though there are new characters, there aren't so many that the old ones, Connor, Risa and Lev get lost in the shuffle/Lev's growth as a character is probably my favorite. Cons: There always has to be a manipulator, someone who's vying for power, it gets kind of old/Starkey and Miracolina's stories, though slightly different, felt similar to those of Connor/Lev etc, just with new names added. Full Review: SPOILER ALERT It's been a year since the events of Unwind and Connor, Risa and Lev are still just trying to get by and survive another day. With the destruction of H...
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