"Akin to Gulliver's Travels , only told from the eyes of a Square existing in a two dimensional world who's suddenly shown that there's more to the world and his very existence than he could ever have thought possible, it was an interesting but confusing read, definitely unique. That's really the only way to describe it." 2 Stars Pros: Entirely unique, I can honestly say I have never read any book quite like it/The commentary on social hierarchies is still relevant to this day, that there will always be "levels" and "classes" in society. Cons: The idea of Flatland, after you sit with it for awhile, actually made a strange kind of sense but at the same time, I was constantly left feeling as I'd just walked into the middle of a conversation about Mathematics that went so far above my head, it wasn't even conceivable. Full Review: Told from the point of view of a middle class Lawyer, A. Square, we are introduced to Flatland. It i...
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