"Eben Alexander has dedicated his entire life to studying the intricacies of the brain and how it works. He is a man of Science, not of Faith, shrugging off such fantastical things as "Near Death Experiences" as medically impossible. But when he suddenly slips into a coma and experiences one for himself, everything changes." 5 STARS Pros: A matter of fact portrayal of one man's Near Death Experience, and how, his job as a Neurosurgeon has taught him to believe that such things are impossible, but after experiencing one, his view is completely changed. Cons: At the end it got very scientific and a lot of medical jargon, but that's to be expected. Full Review: Eben Alexander was raised in the south, became a Neurosurgeon, just like his Father, completed his residency training at Brigham and Women's Hospital and then moved back to North Carolina to focus on his own family and his medical career. He had his struggles, his ups and downs, his life was not...
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