"A continuation of the events of For The Wolf, For The Throne follows Neve and her desperate search for control, power and a means to get home. It was a good end to the series, saccharine but acceptable and entertaining all the same." 4 Stars Pros: All the same characters from the first novel except for 1/Solmir is a great bad guy but also a character you come to love/Neve’s journey was an interesting mirror to Reds but that was the whole point/The ending was saccharine but I enjoyed it for its open-endedness. Cons: Though I’m a sucker for a happy ending, this all seemed extremely convenient. Full Review: After the dramatic conclusion of For The Wolf, Neve finds herself in the Shadowlands, the inverted, gray, desolate prison that the Five Kings created when they attempted to destroy the Wilderwood. In order for her to get home to her sister, which is all she really wants to do, she has to team up with Solmir and go on her own journey of self-discovery to try and ...
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