"The final book in The Expanse series, Corey brought everything to a nice, solid conclusion. There were mind bending hallucinations, shared consciousness and all the insanity that comes along with the Protomolecule but it's the end game and James Holden is determined to see everything through to the finish. I'm glad I got the chance to follow the crew of the Rocinante on their truly epic journey." 4 Stars Pros: They got the band back together/The pork pie hat 🤫❤️/It was a satisfying end to the series. Cons: Proto-Molecule, who killed the creators, like, super epic, far flung, mind bending kind of stuff at points, very trippy to read. Full Review Extreme measures are being taken to get Teresa Duarte back in the hands of Laconia. She’s shipped on the Rocinante for a year and to Jim’s surprise, has become an integral part of the crew. But through all of it, they're still on the run from the strongest military force in the history of time. Jim knows a ship is...
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