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Lucifer (Book Two) by Mike Carey

"Picking off right where Book One left off, it is a continuation of the shock-waves that Lucifer's actions in Book One created. Intricate, detailed and at points, confusing, you have to keep all the characters straight in order for it to make sense. But if you do that, then it's an enjoyable read."
3 Stars
Pros: Better the second time around/There aren't many new characters to remember/Everything comes full circle but also leaves off at a good cliffhanger.
Cons: As with all Comic book series you have to have read the first volume to understand any part of the second/ The art in some issues was meh. 

Full Review: 
With the death and re-birth of the archangel Michael, Lucifer created his own Universe. And now everyone wants a piece of it. Lucifer (Book Two) is all about the many pieces of the puzzle that have been crafted with Lucifer creating his own "world." It is extremely intricate, every part leading into the other and you cannot read this Book Two and have it make any sort of sense, without having read Book One.

The main driving stories were Paradiso (Parts 1-3) and Purgatorio (Parts 1-3) though I have a feeling characters from Dalliance with the Damned and Breaking and Entering (mainly Gaudium and Michael) will be making appearances in Book Three.

Some of the other stories were simply there to show how uncompromising Lucifer can be, like Thunder Sermon. And also how his creation of a Universe spawns different worlds and life, like in Writing on the Wall. While some stories, mainly Nirvana, really didn't seem to serve much of a purpose at all, as far as I could see.

It was a good read, a complicated one and it left off at an interesting point; leaving the reader curious as to what will happen. There's Jill Presto, Mazikeen, the impending duel with Amenadiel, Michael's fate and a whole Hell of a lot more. I found myself excited to sit down and read and see what happened. The book was definitely better the second time around.

If you can keep all the characters straight, then, for the most part, it's a compelling and entertaining read. I'd recommend it to anyone who's read Lucifer (Book One). Also to anyone who, like me, has always been fascinated by the literary character of Lucifer and peoples different perspectives and also fans of Gaiman's The Sandman series, as a few characters make special guest appearances. 


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