5 Star.s
Cons: It's amusing how even during crises, seconds left to live, characters can manage these long, drawn out, heartfelt confessions/There are a LOT of characters to keep track of and a lot of moving parts to connect together.
Full Review:
Darrow is in the dark, surrounded by whispers, a prisoner in mind and body. The horrifying twist at the ending of Golden Son has brought him here and he has no way to escape. At least, that's what he thinks. But as always with this series, there are twists, turns and surprises around every corner. The Jackal had Darrow prisoner for a year and even after his rescue so much has changed.
People that were once his closest friends are now his enemies. People that were once enemies could perhaps be considered friends. There is a constant back and forth and an unwavering sense of unease, distrust and unsteady footing throughout the whole narrative. Just like Darrow, the reader just isn't quite sure who to trust.
There is no possible way to write a thorough review of this book without giving anything away. Suffice it to say that it was an amazing, tragic, beautiful and perfect ending to the first three books of the Red Rising Series. Every character, even ones you hate, are so intricately nuanced, so perfectly imperfect, that it's a joy to watch them grow. And Brown never gives anything away. Even at the very end, there is a surprise and it was just as perfect reading it a second time as it was the first.
I've sat here for a good ten minutes trying to think of a good way to "summarize" this book and series as a whole but, to be honest, it's impossible. The message though is that love, friends and family are what make life worth living and what give us strength. It is love that keeps us going, even during the darkest times. Thank you Pierce Brown for this, these books, this world that you have created and thank you for sharing it with all of us.
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