"A continuation of the events of Serpent & Dove, following our band of star crossed heroes in their desperate attempt to escape the various parties pursuing them and to stop Morgane from basically destroying the world. At times it fell into the "second novel" trap, where the personality traits of the characters became a bit cumbersome but for the most part, it was a good addition and I'm excited to see how the series ends."
4 Stars
Pros: It flows well from the first book/The various epiphanies that the characters had were slow in coming but made sense/Claud Deveraux is an interesting characters indeed/Beau is also a likable if flawed character and one that I think will get more time in the spotlight.
Cons: The various personality traits of the various characters can at times, be a trifle tiring/Lou's hotheadedness/Reid's stubbornness etc/I had to read what happened at the end twice to fully understand it, it was a little complex.
Full Review:
It's been only a few weeks since the miraculous but disastrous events at the conclusion of Serpent & Dove. Our group of Witches, Huntsman, Princes et al are on the run from the most dangerous enemy they can imagine and it's only by the help of Coco and Madame Labelle's magic that they have yet to be discovered.
Everyone is after them. Morgane. The Chausseurs. Bandits and bounty hunters from all over the kingdom, since King Auguste has now put up wanted posters of Reid and Lou, with varying amounts for both of their heads. Their travels lead them from the camp of the Dame Rouges, to teaming up with an acting troupe led by the mysterious Claud Deveraux. And through all of this, Reid must come to terms with what he's realized about himself at the conclusion of Serpent & Dove.
It's a satisfactory continuation of the story and there were definitely parts where I was left speechless. And it was a quick read, since I was invested in the characters and determined to know what happened. But it did fall victim to the many pitfalls of the "second novel", IE, main character goes running off into danger to save her friends, ad nauseum. For the most part though, this was a worthy addition to the series and I'm hoping that with that ending, Gods and Monsters will be a worthy conclusion.
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