"The volume follows Morpheus as he goes to deal with four dreams/nightmares/creatures the escaped the Dreaming while he was imprisoned. They're all surprisingly interconnected but Gaiman handles all the threads with grace and delicacy and in the end, Morpheus does what he has to do and continues to be the kind but no nonsense ruler of the Dreaming." 5 Stars Pros: The interlude that introduces Hob Gadling, a man who decides that he will never die, is a funny, heartfelt and interesting look at how our lives are just one big roller coaster and sometimes it helps to have friends along the way/The Corinthian is truly horrifying/Gilbert is so easy to love and just such a kind, gentle character after all and you can't blame him for doing what he did and neither does Morpheus. Cons: The "Cereal" Convention was truly horrific, though unfortunately I'm sure there are places like that and "conventions" like that, that take place. It's frightening h...
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