"A unique, thought provoking and entertaining read that explores a world that exists beside our own, where peoples souls are represented in physical form as Daemons, where Dust settles only on Adults and other strange concepts such as reaching worlds through the Aurora Borealis and exploring what the whole concept of Original Sin. It's hard to describe, it's something that has to be experienced to appreciate it."
4 Stars.
Pros: The idea of Daemons, kind of an actual physical representation of your soul, is an interesting idea, my Daemon would most definitely be a cat.
Cons: Some of Lyra's slang is a little cringe worthy but you eventually get used to it/Asriel's monologue at the end, for God's sake, stop talking and just do what you're going to do!
Full Review:
Lyra's spent her entire childhood at Jordan College. The only relative she knows of is her demanding, ambitious and distant Uncle, Lord Asriel. When she's sneaking around the Retiring Room, wondering what it is the Scholars do after a feast, she hides away in a wardrobe as the Master comes in. She watches in fascination as he poisons the wine and then leaves. Soon, another person enters and it's none other than her Uncle Asriel. He goes to drink the wine but she stops him and though he's angry at her for hiding and sneaking around, he uses her to his advantage, allowing her to stay, hidden away, and tasks her with watching the Master through his presentation.
Asriel has been exploring in the far North, studying the Aurora Borealis and the presence of Dust. Lyra has absolutely no idea what Dust is, but she can tell from a photograph that he shows, that it is apparently attracted to only adults and not children. Confused at his presentation but fascinated as well, Lyra tucks all the information away, not knowing that soon her life will become embroiled with Asriel's research.
Soon, children start disappearing from the streets all over England, but its not until her friend Roger is taken that Lyra knows she has to do whatever she can to get him back. During this time, a woman comes to visit the College, a Mrs. Coulter, beautiful, intelligent, charming and Lyra is instantly transfixed by her. She says that Lyra can come to live with her in London and work as her personal assistant. Before Lyra leaves, the Master of Jordan College gives her an Alethiometer, which is an instrument that will give an honest answer to any question its asked. It is the Golden Compass.
Lyra keeps it hidden and safe, since the Master of Jordan College told her to keep it hidden from Mrs. Coulter especially. At first, Lyra living with Mrs. Coulter is a dream come true, but things quickly go south as Lyra realizes that Mrs. Coulter is involved with the Gobblers, in fact, she's the head of them. So Lyra runs away and is recused by the Gyptians, traveling folk who are also hunting the Gobblers in attempts to find their kidnapped children.
As Lyra is taken in by the Gyptians and offered a place in the party that will travel to the far North to try and find the kidnapped children, she uses this time to learn how to read the Alethiometer and does what she can to make allies and figure out what she'll do to get Roger back.
It all comes to a head of course. People are not who they seem, Lyra's been being lied to her entire life and she has to do what she can to keep herself and her friends safe. It's an exciting, unique, interesting read and one that makes you wonder a few things, particularly, what would your Daemon be, whether Original Sin is actually something that we're born with or that comes along after puberty and the ever present question of whether or not there actually are worlds upon worlds co-existing beside our own.
Having now read this as an adult, I'm intrigued to see how the series progresses.
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