"A satisfying conclusion to a moderately entertaining series. The Diabolic series by Kincaid is in no way deep or life shattering but it's a pretty good read overall. The characters are complex and though at times it all seems rushed/a little too convenient, in the end, I enjoyed the series as a whole. " 3 Stars Pros: Though it was rather saccharine, I liked the ending. Cons: It's been awhile since I read "The Empress" so a lot of the references were lost on me/Though I understood where Tyrus was going with his plan, it seemed a little extreme/The dialogue can be painful, "my love", "stars curse me", just very...space age melodramatic. Full Review: Nemesis has tried, as best she can, to move on, past what happened with Tyrus and the Empire. But unfortunately, she cannot stay hidden forever. Anguish, her fellow Diabolic, is dying and once her true identity is broadcast across the Empire, Tyrus comes for her. It's common knowledg...
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