"The Penultimate in this insane, whirlwind of a series, Corey, as usual, makes the turning of the page effortless. All the same characters with a few new faces and some serious insanity from the Protomolecule had me hooked."
4 Stars
Pros: Teresa Duarte is an entitled little brat, but I like her all the same/Timothy 💖
Cons: The siege of Laconia was very technical and completely lost on me.
Full Review
Since this is the eighth book in a nine-book series, if you haven't already done so, I suggest you stop reading this fascinating blog and go read the first seven books 🤣.
If you've already done so, then please, proceed.
It's unclear how much time has passed since the ending of Persepolis Rising, but it feels like it's been a while. The crew of the Rocinante are all off doing their part to serve the Underground, the rebellion against Laconian rule. Naomi spends her time acting as an agent, sending out communications to other spies, following her orders from Saba. Bobbie is the Captain and Alex, her Pilot of the stolen Laconian Warship, Gathering Storm. They're the heavy hitters of the Underground, striking the enemy with their own technology. Amos took a mission into the heart of Laconia and hasn't been heard from since.
And Jim.
Jim is still a prisoner on Laconia.
For the most part, he's treated well and left to his own devices. And Jim being Jim, he's playing the long con. He's befriending people, establishing himself into the routine and order of Laconian lifestyle.
And Elvi Okoye, who is now an Admiral in the Laconian fleet is off studying the other ring spaces for anomalies.
Some serious insanity goes down, per usual when the Protomolecule is involved. The ripple effect brings everyone, hero and villain together in a fireball of an ending. The series is coming to a close and so, you know some characters are going to die but, it's never easy when they do.
As usual with this series there were some parts that were so bogged down with information about spin gravity and orbital something or other that I considered skimming but, in the end, it managed to strike a balance.
I'm definitely interested as to how Corey will end it for good. And with a title like Leviathan Falls for the finale, well, I have a hope that it'll all wrap itself up with a nice, pretty bow 👍
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