"A small story arc that deals with Nightcrawler/Iceman/Archangel and Wolverine traveling to London in search of Chamber, a young mutant in their care who abruptly left the Xavier Institute."
3 Stars
Pros: It's always fun to see the exploits the X-Men get into.
Cons: Same old, good mutants, bad mutants, bad human who wants to rid the world of mutants/Racism etc.
Full Review:
***Spoiler Alert***
Nightcrawler/Iceman and Archangel are in London looking for Chamber who left the Institute abruptly. They find a group of mutants living in the sewers and report their findings to Wolverine.
Meanwhile Chamber is approached by a pop star, Sugar Kane, who wants to repay his debt of chivalry (he saved her from an unruly crowd of fans). They start seeing each other and are quick to make tabloid headlines.
The mutants in the sewer are met and exterminated by a man wielding a flame thrower and calling himself, Mister Clean, the genetic cleanser.
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