"Whiney, teenage angst Chamber doesn't listen to reason/Nightcrawler et al find surviving mutants from Mr. Clean's attack and offer assistance."
2 Stars
Pros: The arts good at least, though the story is severely lacking.
Cons: Again, same old, racism/bad human wanting to exterminate the XMen/Wolverine being invincible/Chamber being a whiney bitch.
Full Review:
***Spoiler Alert***
Sugar Kane's manager isn't a fan of Chamber and Sugar Kane's relationship and it's obvious Sugar Kane is just toting Chamber around to spice up her Teeny Bopper image.
Wolverine shows up and tries to talk some sense into Chamber, telling him that it'll end, badly and when it does, it'll hurt so he might as well do the smart thing and walk away from it, but of course, in all the teenage angst, Chamber doesn't listen.
It turns out that Mr. Clean has been sent by the Church, or some sort of Church, on a mission to cleanse the mutant issue.
Chamber and Sugar Kane's relationship takes a turn when a tabloid releases a headline that she's pregnant with his child.
Nightcrawler et al find the surviving sewer mutants and offer assistance.
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