"A middle of the road read for a volume that's essentially right in the middle of the series. Consisting of
9 stories, some that deal with Dream and the Endless, while others just have Dream make a cameo, this had some really beautiful reads while some of it was just filler."3 Stars
Pros: Shows a more complicated side of Dream/Some stories, like Soft Places and Three Septembers & a January were just very well written and great reads.
Cons: The handwriting in some of the journal entries of Johanna Constantine was almost impossible to read (though this could be that my eyes are just getting worse.)
Full Review:
Consisting of 9 Stories, where some deal directly with Dream and his siblings, the Endless, while others are separate stories that just have Dream show up at some point.
Fear of Falling, The Hunt, Soft Places and Ramadan were such standalones. Fear of Falling and Soft Places were enjoyable reads. The Hunt/August and Ramadan were just kind of okay. I didn't hate them but I more or less just wanted to get through them.
Three Septembers & a January Thermidor, Orpheus and the Parliament of Rooks deal directly with Dream and his struggles with his siblings. As the series progresses, that's what keeps my interest and keeps me reading.
This was a very, middle of the road read. It had a few stories that were beautifully written and entertaining, while others were just quick reads to get through the volume. I think I'll take a break from my re-read of The Sandman series for a little bit and come back to it, perhaps after they make a 2nd Season of the TV Show, which was entertaining.
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