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Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott

"A darkly hilarious, honest breakdown of all things writing. Lamott touches upon, what it's like to write as a career and how you may feel during your best and worst days." 5 Stars.  Pros:  Lamott's humor is dark and cynical but so relatable/Her advice is logical, realistic and genuine, which I appreciate.  Cons:  It can be a little disheartening to know how complicated writing can be but as long as you do it for yourself and it's what you love, then it's all worth it in the end.  Full Review:  Lamott covers everything from horrific first drafts, viewing your world through a once inch picture frame, getting beta readers, starting writing groups and the dream of most writers (I think) of publication. But she does it all in a no-nonsense, no holds barred, realistic, blunt way.  She drives home the point that if you're a writer hoping to get published for fame and fortune, then you will most likely be sorely disappointed. But if you're a writer, who just

Infinite Home by Kathleen Alcott

"A tender, honest study of aging, family and what people will do to insure the ones they care about are safe and secure." 4 Stars.  Pros:  All the characters are different, relatable and the relationships they form with one another are heartwarming and true.  Cons:  The ending wasn't exactly what I was expecting but at the same time, it worked, just in a more melancholy way than I had hoped.  Full Review:  Edith is a widow, her husband Declan having died of a sudden heart attack decades earlier. She's estranged from her children bus does her best to take care of the tenants in her building, that she and Declan bought together when they were first married. It's a motley crew, to be sure but they're all kind and genuine in their own way.  There's Edward, a washed up comedian, Paulie, a thirty something year old with a developmental disability but whose heart is innocent and pure, Thomas, an artist who suffered a stroke and Adeleine, a reclusive, Agoraphobe w

The Children of Red Peak by DiLouie

"Dark and disturbing, in true Dilouie fashion, he deals with death, pain, guilt and survival in a gritty and horrifying way. He has a great gift for blending the paranormal with the normal, so much so that everything seems plausible when you're immersed in the story. This one will stick with me for awhile. " 3 Stars Pros:  It was definitely an interesting idea and Dilouie did a great job at making all the MCs frail and broken by what happened to them and completely human as to how some deal with the trauma and others don't. Everyone has a different coping mechanism.  Cons:  At the same time that the ending didn't really give anything away, it also didn't really answer. or solve anything, though, in a way did it did. It's all a matter of perspective. I think Dilouie did the best he could with what he was working with. Which when you're dealing with a religious cult and mass suicide, the answers at the end of that riddle might not be ones you actually wa

Darius The Great Is Not Okay by Adib Khorram

"Fit to bursting with Geeky references but also full of genuine, deep, emotions, this was a great coming of age story told in a fun and honest way."  4 Stars Pros:  Darius is a kind, likable, relatable character and I got most of his Geeky references.  Cons:  Though I loved all the Geeky references, they were a a tad overused at times.  Full Review:  Darius Kellner is a fractional Persian living in Portland, Oregon and just trying to fit in. He's awkward, uncertain and feels like he's always letting everyone down. He was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder when he was 12 and has been attempting to figure out his life since starting to take medication to help.  His father, Stephen Kellner, also struggles with depression and always seems to be disappointed and frustrated with Darius. He wants him to try harder, to not make himself a target, to stand up for himself. And even when Darius does as his Father suggests, it never works. They just don't understand each

Salem's Lot by Stephen King

"King's take on Vampires was unique but also traditional which created a fun and interesting read. Though some of the characters were a bit melodramatic and some of the dialogue was cringe-worthy, overall this was a good, classic King work." Pros: The transition into a Vampire is a bit different with some unique qualities. It was interesting that some people weren't necessarily bitten but still turned.  Cons: There were far too many people to keep track of. The main four were easy enough to follow but all the people of Salem's Lot got mixed up and melded together in my head/Also Susan's fate just had me sighing and shaking my head.   Full Review: There's a small town called Jerusalem's (Salem's) Lot in southern Maine, population just a bit over 300. It's like any small town you'll find in New England, with its quaint stores, small restaurants and filled for the most part with average people going about their average lives.  That all changes

Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse , #2)

"With at least, three mysteries going on simultaneously, Sookie Stackhouse's whirlwind life of Vampires, Shapeshifters, telepathy and other supernatural creatures just felt contrived, forced and cringeworthy." Pros: I'm mainly reading the series to see how Harris handles Vampires being legal citizens. So far, the waters are very murky, and I don't know if I can force myself to read more, for the sake of research.  Cons: For someone who can read minds, Sookie can be a real idiot. Also, her volatile mood swings and petulance are just obnoxious. And the fact that EVERYONE is in love with her, like, everyone and their mother.  Full Review: Sookie's happy. She's still dating Vampire Bill, still waiting tables at Merlotte's, still able to read minds but she's alright with all that. Until, that is, Andy Bellefleur, the Sheriff, has a bad night, leaves his car in Merlotte's parking lot overnight and then the dead body of Lafayette is found in it the ne

Cibola Burn (The Expanse #4) by James S.A. Corey

"The Slow Zone and the Rings have opened up new worlds, literally, allowing human, Martian and Belter to lay claim to the vastness at their fingertips. Holden and the Roci ,acting as the eternal sun to Corey's Expanse "Earth", are thrown into a conflict between two fleets and the fate of a planet hangs in the balance. As usual, it's a little, "they're the only ones who can save them", cliche, but hey, Corey makes it work. This one was dark and gritty and I loved it."   Pros:  I do love Miller and Amos, Hell, even Holden, though annoying, is still lovable/The crew of the Rocinante is a terribly flawed but terribly lovable family.   Cons: Some serious science going on with terra forming a new world but as Corey does, they eventually dumbs it down enough for this reader to understand what's going on.  Full Review: The ring and the station are now controlled and monitored by the OPA. People are coming and going, exploring all the new worlds tha

Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

"The classic tale of Peter Pan, the boy who never grows up and his adventures with his Lost Boys and the Darling Children, Wendy, John and Michael. At times fun and whimsical and other times surprisingly dark, it was an interesting read as an adult." 3 Stars  Pros:   There is something appealing about flying away to a mysterious island where you can play all day and never have to grow up. The thrall of Neverland is a constant for this dreamer.  Cons: Peter Pan is truly the most arrogant little brat and very much in need of a mother/I was surprised at the bloodshed because I always thought this was a children's book, it was rather dark at times.  Full Review Mr. and Mrs. Darling are the proud yet rather dismissive and negligent parents of three children. Wendy, John and Michael. All three have flights of fancy and dream of an island, with mermaids and pirates. Mrs. Darling dismisses these as the whimsy of childhood but she herself remembers when she too dreamt of the very

A Spark of White Fire (The Celestial Trilogy #1) by Sangu Mandanna

"Similar to "Game of Thrones" only in space, there was a lot going on with a lot of different people and they were all important and connected but my tired, overworked brain had trouble keeping up. " 2 Stars  Pros:  I liked Max as a character, I'm all for the tall, dark, mysterious supposed bad boy with a heart of gold cliche, but the kissing cousins thing just made it weird.   Cons:  It felt like Game of Thrones, only in space, so there was a bit of a kissing cousins vibe going and I wasn't feeling it/The book tried to have these big, shocking moments I was just non-plussed, unaffected./The presence of the Gods irked me as they did in The Illiad, it's all terribly convenient to have divine intervention for your MCs. I feel like it's the cheapest fake-out cheat of all time 👍🤣 Full Review:    My co-worker, who has recommended some amazing reads such as, A Man Called Ove ,   The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse,  and I'll Give You The Sun,  r

Marked (House of Night #1) by P.C. Cast

"It's a whole bottle of After School Special mixed with Vampire Finishing School. The Cast, Mother/Daughter writing team managed to create an interesting concept. Unfortunately, the shallow characters and painfully contrived storyline made for a truly cringe-worthy read."  1 Star Pros:  Casts take on Vampirism is definitely unique, I'll give them that. Equating "the change" of becoming an adult Vampire to basically, puberty or menopause, well, it was definitely one way to rationalize it.   Cons:  Teenage colloquialisms of "OMG, like, no way", "OMG, he's so hot and he so likes you" ad nauseum.    Full Review:  Zoey is your regular, unhappy, moody teenager, dissatisfied with her home and personal life. That all seems trivial though when one morning someone shows up at her locker at school, while her friend is babbling inanely, oblivious. The man looks at Zoey, mutters some canned, cryptic, ritualistic words and bam, Zoey is now a fledgl

Abaddon's Gate (The Expanse #3) by James S.A. Corey

  "Corey shows the reader a glimpse of what the Protomolcule and its construct the Ring is and it's both horrific and wonderful. And in true epic saga fashion, all the characters can do is hold on for the ride and try not to die." 4 Stars.  Pros:   Though some characters are new, there's still Holden/Naomi/Amos and Alex, the tried and true crew of the Rocinante/The Ring itself though mind boggling and strange is truly terrifying but astonishing.   Cons:  The "station" inside the "Ring" and all that it entailed was very mind bending and out there, the enormity was a bit hard to grasp/Some parts were bogged down with descriptions of the layout of the Behemoth during fight scenes.  Full Review: Everything's been quiet, more or less, ever since the Construct created by the Protomolecule rose from Venus and went off towards Neptune. But when a stupid kid decides to prove his machismo by sling-shotting his small ship through the mysterious Ring (what

The Vault of Dreamers (The Vault of Dreamers #1) by Caragh O'Brien.

"An idea that had great potential but the lackluster relationships and annoyingly fierce independence of the Protagonist sent this reader blissfully to sleep. " 2 Stars Pros:  Definitely a unique and interesting idea/I liked the vague dystopian eeriness of  O'Brien's world at The Forge School .  Cons:  A lot of the relationships felt forced and I wanted to feel for Rosie but her blatant naivete and rabid determination just got old. Her fierce independence and determination, her attitude of, "I'm the only one that can do it" just felt overdone.  Full Review:  Rosie Sinclair is an imaginative and creative girl who's struggling through the first semester at the prestigious art school she's attending. Not only is it full to bursting with promising young stars, giving Rosie plenty of inspiration for her budding film career. But it also happens to be the set of the #1 Reality TV Show in the world. There are cameras on the students, 12 hours a day and t

Caliban's War (The Expanse #2) by James S.A. Corey

"Impossible to describe or follow if you haven't read Leviathan Wakes , Calibarn's War has the same visceral draw and pull and just adds more fuel to the fire of an already incredible series." 5 Stars Pros:  The new characters introduced are again, flawed but relatable and everyone brought something useful to the table. Also getting to know the crew of the Rocinante a little better was refreshing and made you care for the characters even more.  Cons:  Still some parts were a little technical and there was a whole lot of political posturing going on but, as one of the characters Avasrala says, "That's how the game is played."  Full Review:  Roberta "Bobbie" Draper is a Martian Marine stationed on Ganymede. There's a tenuous "peace", neither Mars nor Earth daring to make the first move but each knowing how pivotal the Moon is. It's essentially the breadbasket of the Outer Planets thus, an extremely important base. But the huge w

Let Me In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

"It had promise at the start but by the end, it was a struggle due to unnecessary, explicit gore, abuse and just overall cringe worthiness."  1 Star Pros:  It was intriguing at first, the mystery behind it all.  Cons:  In the end, the lack of a backstory, explanation and just, the events overall left me feeling extremely uncomfortable and sick.  Full Review:  Oskar is intelligent but an outcast. He's often picked on by Jonny and his two lackeys. They beat him up, call him names, all the usual bullying antics and he's left feeling miserable and alone. He keeps a scrapbook of news stories about serial killers and often fantasizes that perhaps, one day, he can get his revenge.  It's on one night while out in the playground that he sees the reflection of a girl in the blade of his knife, while he's playing serial killer (yes, you read that right) and he goes over to see who she is. It turns out she lives in the building next to his and her name is Eli. She's s

Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse #1) by James S.A. Corey

" Science Fiction at its most epically, horrific best. Mankind has colonized the galaxy and is reaching for the stars but something dark and fathomless waits in the recesses of space, biding its time and when it strikes, life itself will change." 5 Stars Pros:  Deep and likable characters for all their flaws and a story that grabs you from the very beginning and never lets go.  Cons:  Some parts were a little technical, like how many G's a ship was flying under and the spin of planets, but it didn't take away from the story too much.  Full Review:  Julette Andromeda Mao. The heiress to a lunar corporate dynasty who's decided to turn her back on her life of luxury and venture out into the solar system to find work and earn her keep.   Miller. A cynical, downtrodden but intelligent and resourceful cop who works out of the Ceres Station on the Belt.  Holden, the commanding officer of a water hauler that ships ice from the rings of Saturn to stations across the galaxy

Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales with an Introduction by the Author.

"Truly a collection of a variety of Bradbury's short stories, ranging from incredible, to mediocre to just plain strange. This was a large collection and truly a labor of love to read but I'm glad I did it." 3 Stars Pros:  Some truly beautiful pieces that only Bradbury could write.   Cons:  Though I adore Bradbury's writing, he does have a tendency to ramble.   Full Review:  Many of Bradbury's works are collections of short stories. And to be honest, a lot of the ones they chose to use in this collection were mediocre at best. There were some truly remarkable ones, like All The Town Is Sleeping, The Dummer Boy of Shiloh, At Midnight In The Month of June, Remember Sascha and The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl. But there's also proof that they can't all be winners and homeruns with some serious weird ones like Unterderseaboat Doktor, The Dwarf and The Dragon.  This was definitely a labor of love, to finish this book. And I learned a valuable lesson. Tha

The Fragile Threads of Power (Threads of Power #1) by V.E. Schwab

"Set in Schwab's Red, White and Grey Londons, The Fragile Threads of Power is a new series that introduces the reader to a handful of new faces, welcomes back the old ones and of course, leaves the door wide open for more drama, intrigue and adventure."  3 Stars Pros:  Kell/Lila's relationship. It's not perfect but there are some truly tender moments between them, and I really enjoyed those. Rhy/Alucard/Nadiya and Ren are an odd family but a tender and loving one, sincere and comforting in its genuineness.  Cons:  Though I enjoyed the book every time I picked it up, I didn't find myself itching to sit down and read.  Full Review:  A rebellion, called The Hand has started in Red London because the magic is failing, and the people blame King Rhy. A device of extreme power called a Persalis is stolen by agents of The Hand from the Ferase Stras and Maris Patrol calls in her favor to Delilah Bard to retrieve it.  The thief brings the Persalis to a repair shop in th

Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank

"Though written more than 50 years ago, this story of one community's struggle to survive and thrive in the wake of nuclear war, is just as terrifying now as, I'm sure it was then. And though it was a frightening read, I was left wanting an emotional connection with the characters that just never quite happened."  3 Stars Pros:  Frank was ahead of his time when it came to knowledge of nuclear warfare and also about equality and inclusivity/He seemed moderately progressive which was a welcome change.  Cons:  There are definitely some points where it's not entirely politically correct but, this was also back in the 50s, so it's kind of to be expected/The characters were all pretty 2 dimensional and not that interesting, I would have liked to see a deeper dive of the characters and their relationships, now just how they react to the cataclysmic situation.  Full Review:  "They will stand far off, in fear of her torment and say, "Alas, Alas! You great cit