"The title speaks for itself. A magazine dedicated solely to the art of gratitude, for accepting life as it is and cherishing what we have and how to make the most out of every day."
3 Stars.
Pros: Full of articles about self-reflection, inspiration, creativity, this magazine had an interesting article for almost anyone.
Cons: Near the end the articles started getting a bit repetitive but, they were all valuable lessons to be learned.
Full Review:
This magazine was full to bursting with a lot of informative and inspiration articles and things you wouldn't even necessarily consider. How to express gratitude, the different between FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and JOMO (Joy of Missing Out), that life is not a race and living in the moment and being grateful for what you have and all that you've accomplished is the real "win."
It helps you realize that you have to take time out for yourself, to truly relish some quiet time, to carve out time in your day to focus on something that you genuinely want to do. And overall, if you do that, live life gratefully and work on understanding others points of view as well as your own, you'll lead a more enriching life.
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