"Packed to bursting with surprising twists and turns, the Whisperers are not as harmless as they would appear to be. And Rick is given a painful reminder of that."
5 Stars
Pros: Michonne's bitchiness is more or less explained but only makes sense if you're completely masochistic, it's at least refreshing to have a reason why she's such a bitch to everyone/Negan, you never quite know what he's going to pull.
Cons: There is a LOT going on in this issue that you have to keep track of/Also, how did Alpha "mark the border" so quickly and so easily. I wonder if that'll be explained in later volumes.
Full Review:
Maggie is livid that Carl's run off after Lydia but there are more important things right now, such as figuring out what to do with Gregory, since he did try to kill her. It's decided that he has to die. So they hang him and she goes onto explain that she doesn't want this to be the start of something. She never wants to have to do that again.
Ezekiel and Rick meet Michonne on the Pier. She's been on a fishing boat for the last couple of months, after leaving all her stuff with Ezekiel and disappearing. They searched for her but never found her. And she explains to Rick that she was realizing that with Ezekiel, she was happy but she didn't deserve it. She felt like she was getting a second chance at life, but that her daughters never got that. They died and she wasn't there for them when they needed her, so she's punishing herself for that and not letting herself be happy. Rick tells her to get her shit together and come home and she says that she'll think about it. At least Rick doesn't put up with her bullshit.
Rick goes to meet with Dwight, who's now the leader of the Saviors after Negan's fall. He explains that he doesn't want to be the leader, that he's just not cut out for it. And Rick says that he took control of the Saviors once Negan fell, that it's his choice now to decide a leader, that they should hold an election. While Rick is gone, Negan is getting washed up and Olivia doesn't lock his cell properly. The door opens and when Rick returns to find his cell door open, Negan is just laying there, waiting. It seems to be some sort of weird trust game that Negan's playing but Rick doesn't buy it. He locks the doo properly this time and leaves Negan on his own. He confronts Olivia and tells her that if this happens again, he won't go easy on her.
People are gathering for the fair and it's all come together. It's the combined efforts of Alexandria, the Hilltop, the Kingdom and the Sanctuary all wrapped up into one. There are booths of goods and clothes to sell/barter with. And Alpha, the leader of the Whisperers is there among them, learning their ways. Maggie tells Rick that Carl's run off and so Rick takes Andrea, Michonne and Dante, a man from the Hilltop, with him to track Carl down. He finds them but is told that only he may see Alpha, so he leaves Andrea et al behind.
Once he finds Carl safe and sound he tries to convince him that once they get the chance they have to leave. But he refuses. He says that he's found something special in Lydia, that she doesn't flinch away when looking at him, that she's not afraid or ashamed of the way he looks and that he feels whole with her. Oh teenage angst. Alpha appears, holding a bloody machete and explains that there was trouble on the road but that she will now speak with Rick.
She leads him away and shows him a group of thousands of zombies and explains that her threat to destroy everything he's built isn't an empty one. Even now, her people are scattered amongst the dead and can lead them to do whatever they want. So Rick acquiesces and returns to Carl, saying that they're leaving and he'll carry him out of there if he has to. Carl explains that he's not leaving without Lydia, that she's not safe with the Whisperers and he explains that her Mother, Alpha, condones the men of the group to rape Lydia at will. Rick is disgusted and it's obvious that when confronted with what she's done, Alpha is disgusted with herself.
She whispers to Rick that he can give Lydia a safe life, but when she speaks to Lydia she says that she is no strong enough to survive in this new world and she must leave. So Rick, Carl and Lydia leave. But before they do, Alpha explains that they will find the border of their territory well marked and it will serve as a reminder to never cross it again.
It's marked with heads on poles, the heads of mainly minor characters but there Rosita and Ezekiels heads are there and it's obvious that Rick is deeply hurt. Andrea and Michonne reappear, simply asking, what do they do now? That's a good question Andrea. A very good question.
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