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TIME Robert F. Kennedy: His Life and Legacy 50 Years Later by the Editors of TIME.


"An honest and beautiful tribute to a man who led with his heart. He seemed to genuinely care about the people of America and instead of striving for greatness or accolades, he tried to do what he could to understand people and share in their lives. He was a decent, moral, compassionate man and now, more than ever, we could use people like him at the helm."

5 Stars

Pros: Beautifully written and designed, the articles flowed into each other and painted Bobby in a true, honest way. He was ruthless yes, but behind that ruthlessness was a man dedicated and driven to see things through.  

Cons: It would have been interesting to hear from his family more, since he had 11 children. 

Full Review: 

Often thought of as the runt of the litter, compared to Joe Jr, Jack and his other older siblings, Bobby was unremarkable. He managed to get through school but didn't have the same charisma that his brothers did. But when JFK became the President, he made Bobby his Attorney General. It was Bobby's infinite energy, limitless drive and ability to make deals and his ruthlessness that made it so his brother was successful. Bobby found his niche and he was accepted by the taciturn, dour patriarch, his Father, Joseph Kennedy. 

With the death of JFK, something in Bobby died too. He resigned as Attorney General, due to an extreme dislike for Lyndon B. Johnson and decided that he would run for Senate. He was elected to a seat representing New York. And even amidst his hectic work schedule, Bobby and his wife Ethel, always made sure their lives were centered around family. They had a house at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis port on the Cape, a house in Palm Beach, Florida and most importantly, their main domicile, Hickory Hill in McLean Virginia. 

It was a sprawling mansion with 5 acres of land but it needed to be big to accompany Bobby and Ethel's 11 children. There were pools, tennis courts, stables and a whole slew of servants to keep things running. And though Bobby was often busy during the week he always found time for his children. He was a rough houser, still competitive from his youth but he always made sure that his children knew that he loved them. He was far more hands on than his own father was. Parties at Hickory Hill were laid back, outdoorsy affairs. Where as JFK was all glitz and glamour, Bobby was all barbecues and sports. There was still a lot expected of his children but there was no denying that Bobby was a family man. 

He led his life with love and that was most apparent in his work with the Civil Rights movement. He was the one to break the news of Martin Luther King Jrs tragic death to a crowd of mostly black supporters in Indiana. And while all through the nation riots broke out over the death of King, the people of Indiana, calmed by Bobby's passion and presence, were peaceful. 

That seemed to be Bobby's main goal, peace. Equality, justice and overall compassion and love for his fellow man. He was a decent man, a driven man but what it all boiled down to was that he led with love. And that, especially these days, is something far more of us should work towards now more than ever. 


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