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LIFE 100-Year Commemorative Edition: John F. Kennedy - The Legacy by Life Magazine.


"A seamless, honest and beautiful tribute to a truly inspiring person."

5 Stars

Pros: Stunning photography, poignant, honest articles, a true testament to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a man who believed from his heart in equality, fairness and the golden rule, treat others as you would be treated. 

Cons: I honestly can't think of a single con for this Magazine. It was beautifully written and the articles flowed seamlessly.

Full Review: 

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the second oldest in a large Irish Catholic Family. His father, Joe, was a hard, taciturn man who made everything, even childhood games, a competition. JFK learned early on that Kennedys didn't lose, Kennedys didn't cry. It was a difficult home to grow up in, when perfection and graceful poise was always expected and emotions were seen as weakness. 

JFK was quick to prove himself a hero in WW2 when his ship was destroyed and he rescued his surviving crewmates and wrote an SOS on a coconut shell. But even then, it was seen as a failure that his ship was destroyed at all. And as a way to "gain favor" in the eyes of their Father, Joe Jr began volunteering for riskier missions in the Air Force, which would lead to his eventual death. JFK now knew that his Fathers dream, of one day winning the White House, would now fall on his shoulders. 

And he did. He became the youngest president to ever be elected and with the help of his wife Jackie, he made sure to emphasize that image of a youthful, energetic, loving family man by letting the media into his private life and capturing photos of him and his children. Even though, in the photos, it was all smiles and fun, deep down, he and Jackie's marriage was less than stellar. One friend was quoted as having said that "Jack and Jackie, even together, were two of the loneliest people to ever be together." But something changed when Jackie gave birth to a son, Patrick, who died a few days later. The lessons from his childhood were forgotten, as JFK openly wept at his son's funeral and soon after, a gentler, softer side of the young President surfaced. 

Through the handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis and a more or less improvised speech about the Civil unrest in the South, JFK showed the world that he honestly believed in the golden rule. Speaking from the heart, he implored the nation to work with him to heal the wounds that had been opened through all this violence and hate. Treat others as you would be treated. That's all it comes down to. 

My mother always says she remembers the day JFK was assassinated. She was young but still wise enough to know that the nation was in mourning. A truly great man had been killed far too young and everyone who was alive that day, remembers where they were when it happened. I can only wish that the nation would come together in that way now. That instead of being led by a prejudiced, lying, imbecilic monster, we could rally behind someone who believes in the goodness of men, the equality of all and in love. I did not know the nation as it was when JFK was President, but having seen how the nation is now under the Presidency of #45, it makes me sad to know how far we've fallen.


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