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The Walking Dead (Volume 13) Too Far Gone by Robert Kirkman.

"The group acclimates to life in Alexandria but of course, nothing can ever stay simple or easy. Violence ensues, death, zombies, bad group wants what good group has, the whole shebang." 

3 Stars. 

Pros:  Glen and Maggie's relationship, even through everything they've been together, they love each other, no matter what. 

Cons: Michonne can be a real bitch/Rick sticking his nose into everyone's business and everyone always looking to him for the answers. He's magical and knows all, it gets old/Bad group wants what good group has, good group fights back, death ensues, zombies. 

Full Review: 

The group more or less acclimates to Alexandria. While on the construction site, Abraham saves the life of a woman named Donna who would have been eaten by zombies if he hadn't intervened. The man who led the construction group, Tobin, is ashamed and admits to Douglas later that he'll willingly give Abraham his job as leader at the construction site, that he's more than earned it. Father Gabriel begins holding mass in the new church and everyone more or less gets used to their roles. Rick takes his job as constable very seriously and sticks his nose into peoples business, as usual. There's a boy named Ron with a black eye and Rick found his Dad, Pete, sleeping on the porch. Rick is suspicious and so he confronts Jessie, Pete's wife about it. She's obviously terrified of her husband, saying that something's changed, he wasn't always like this. And that cinches it. 

Rick attacks Pete and they get into a fistfight. It isn't until Douglas shows up and says that he'll throw Rick out if he doesn't stop, that Rick pulls out his gun. That makes everyone stop and Rick and Pete are more or less "locked up." It's decided that Pete will live in a new house and Julie and Ron will live in a separate house where they'll be safe. Rick is not kicked out of Alexandria, as Douglas can see that he'll do what has to be done, even if it means breaking rules etc. 

Even when Father Gabriel tells Douglas that Rick and the group are dangerous, that they've killed people, in cold blood and that they should not be allowed to live in Alexandria, Douglas shrugs it off. He's willing to accept the fact that Rick and his group have done terrible things to keep each other alive. He's willing to accept it and his way of telling Rick that he can stay is to open up and tell him about Davidson. 

He was the leader at first, began building the walls, assigning jobs, but eventually things changed. He took the role of "leader" too far and began more or less forcing women to have sex with him. Either sleep with him or lose all protection from the community. So Douglas stepped up and took Davidson outside the walls and told him at gunpoint, to never come back. Douglas basically sent Davidson to his death, and that haunts him to this day. But he can see that Rick doesn't flinch from doing the things that no one else has the stomach to do, and so Douglas is willing to keep him around. 

Glen goes out on his first run with Heath to get antibiotics for Scott, a man that was a runner who broke his leg when trying to jump from building to building. While in the city, they get antibiotics but when they leave, a group of survivors hear their motorcycles and follow the noise. Back in Alexandria, even though they got the antibiotics, Scott dies and while Heath is arguing that now that they have a church, they need to have a funeral, Pete interrupts. He's come to kill Rick and starts brandishing a knife. 

Regina, Douglas' wife tells him to put that knife down right this instant and he of course, cuts her throat. She dies. Douglas tells Rick to kill Pete, he does so. So now Scott, Regina and Pete are all dead. They have a funeral for all of them but it's interrupted when there's a gunshot at the gate. 

It's the group of people who followed Glen and Heath from the city. They want in and they're going to do anything they can to make Rick open the gates. Andrea takes the leader out for her sniper position as lookout in a bell tower not far outside of town and the rest open fire. The bad guys are all killed, as usual. But the ruckus has caught the attention of the zombies, as Eugene had mentioned before when he was explaining how herds form. 

After the funeral and the attack, Rick tells Douglas that he needs to talk to everyone. That if he wants to leave Alexandria, he obviously can but he needs to tell the people what he's planning on doing. And Douglas admits that ever since all of this started he'd been waiting for something and he realizes now that what he was waiting for, was a leader, he was waiting for someone like Rick.  


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